Try to Choose a Concise Name when you Apply for a Business Name in NSW, Victoria, or QLD


Have you ever looked at a company name and wondered why so many are short, concise names? Well, there are many reasons for that, many of which make perfect business sense.

First, you don't want a name that's difficult to remember. Many companies need to advertise their services using various media streams, and a long term won't stick in customers' minds. You need something short and catchy to do that. Second, it's a lot more challenging to incorporate a long-drawn-out name into artwork when designing fresh marketing material. You're likely to change your style and corporate identity often, so why choose a long and unwieldy name that's difficult to use on artwork and websites?

These are two reasons why many successful companies use short names that people can easily remember. Take Google and Amazon as prime examples—easy to remember and use on websites, adverts, and signage.

How should you go about choosing your business name? Well—first off, what does your company do? If you sell widgets, why not call your company "Widgets"? There's no need to expand on that unless you want to add a little flair. "Widget City," perhaps. Don't go for something any longer unless you really must.

So, you've chosen your name—what must you do to make it official?

Apply for a Business Name in NSW, Victoria or QLD with  Top Business Name

Making your new business name is easier than you might think. Gone are the days when you must visit an office in the city and file your name in triplicate. These days, you can do everything quickly and online. Go to Top Business Name and enter your desired company name into the search box. The website will instantly tell you if the name you've chosen is available. If not, you must think of something else, as every business name in Australia must be unique. If your name is available, then only a couple of steps are involved before your name is official.

When you apply for a business name in Victoria, NSW or QLD, all business names must be approved by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission). Whatever name you choose, ASIC will need to review it. This review ensures the name isn't offensive in any way or doesn't include any illegal characters. If you have chosen a name that ASIC then rejects, you will be allowed to select another name free of charge.

All you need are a Few More Details.

Once you've submitted your chosen name, you must decide if you want a one-year or a three-year registration. The three-year deal saves you money, so going for that is advisable. When you apply for a business name in QLD, Victoria or NSW, you must also supply your ABN (Australian Business Number), which you should already have. We'll let you know quickly when your name is registered and legal and email you a certificate.

Email us if you have any questions or queries, and we'll reply quickly. We're even open on weekends. Good luck with your new business venture.